Uganda is a good year-round destination, but the rainy seasons (March to May and November to December) can make logistics a little tricky.

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The Spice Island

Nyungwe National Park


Tanzania’s spice Island

Let us preserve our heritage……..Genuine eco-tourism means tourism that has no negative impact on eco-systems, and positively contributes to the destination on a social and environmental level

Zanzibar — the very name brings to mind salty sea breezes that carry the taste of exotic spices. Floating in electric blue waters off the east coast of Tanzania, this island has become synonymous with divine honeymoon hideaways. So wide is the appeal of this beach paradise that few people ever pause to consider that there might be more to Tanzanian beach life. But for those in the know, the southeast coast of the country has everything that Zanzibar has, minus the tourists..

Let us preserve our heritage……..Genuine eco-tourism means tourism that has no negative impact on eco-systems, and positively contributes to the destination on a social and environmental level

Beach life
When it comes to blissful hammock-lounging beaches, the mainland can teach the spice island a thing or two. Pretty much every coastal town and hamlet fronts tropical turquoise waters and crystal-white sands, and in between are hundreds of other beaches known only to the odd passing fishermen. The resort of Ras Kutani, just a short, easy hop from Dar es Salaam, has that ideal combination of a dreamy Indian Ocean vibe, luxury accommodations and utter tranquillity.

Island life

If the crowds of Zanzibar are too much for you, head 160km south to Mafia Island – it is a fraction of the size and has a fraction of the tourists. This luminous green wedge of baobab trees and mangrove forests — interspersed with slips of pure white sand, sparkling offshore sand islets and a smattering of old ruins — has a go-slow vibe that will seep under your skin.


  • James Fisher

    Ut sint posse sit, eum sumo diam ea. Liber consectetuer in mei, sea in imperdiet assueverit contentiones, an his cib lorem ipsum.

    October 29, 2018 at 8:08 am
    • Carol Silva

      Sea in imperdiet assueverit contentiones, an his cibo blandit tacimates. Iusto iudicabit similique idefinitionem eos an.Sit delicata perse

      October 29, 2018 at 2:27 pm

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