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Nyungwe National Park

Unwind, Relax, Rejuvenate in Mombasa

Mombasa is a place steeped in history, yet at the same time fascinating commercial and cosmopolitan port town.

Mombasa, a melting pot of languages and cultures from all sides of the Indian Ocean, waits like an exotic dessert for travellers who make it to Kenya’s coastline. Having more in common with Dakar or Dar es Salaam than Nairobi, Mombasa’s blend of India, Arabia and Africa can be intoxicating, and many visitors find themselves seduced by East Africa’s biggest and most cosmopolitan port despite its grime and sleaze, which somehow only adds to the place’s considerable charm.

“The true heart of Mombasa is found in the exotic old town, among the narrow winding streets and Arab architecture. The air here is always heavy with the scent of spices.”

Indeed, the city dubbed in Swahili Kisiwa Cha Mvita – the Island of War – has many faces, from the ecstatic passion of the call to prayer over the Old Town, to the waves crashing against the coral beaches below Fort Jesus and the sight of a Zanzibar-bound dhow slipping over the horizon. As the Swahili people themselves say in an old proverb: ‘Mombasa is famous, but its waters are dangerously deep. Beware!’

At the water’s edge is Fort Jesus, an imposing fort that stands watch over the harbor.

The high gun turrets, battlements and underground passages of this 16th Century Fort were the centre of a historic struggle for control of the Kenya coast between the Portuguese army and the Shirazi Arabs. This war was waged around Mombasa over hundreds of years and countless battles, and the Fort stands as a testament to this tumultuous past.

Modern Mombasa is a city of great diversity and life. This is a town were all are welcomed and quickly absorbed into this great coastal melting pot.

Mombasa is a place where both history and progress are greatly valued, where a busy harbor existence is lived at its own unique, tropical pace.


  • Martha Grey

    Ut sint lorem posse sit, eum sumo diam ea. Liber consectetuer in mei, sea in imperdiet assueverit contentiones, an his cib.

    October 29, 2018 at 8:09 am
  • Susan Day

    Lorem ipsum it sint posse sit, eum sumo diam ea. Liber consectetuer in mei, sea in imperdiet assueverit contentiones, an his cib.

    October 29, 2018 at 8:09 am

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