Uganda is a good year-round destination, but the rainy seasons (March to May and November to December) can make logistics a little tricky.

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Nyungwe National Park

The natural wonders of the Seychelles

Let us preserve our heritage……..Genuine eco-tourism means tourism that has no negative impact on eco-systems, and positively contributes to the destination on a social and environmental level

Situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, 400km northwest of Madagascar and over 1000km from the East African coast, the Seychelles is an ancient archipelago of 115 islands. While most travellers arrive trailing confetti and are content to just fly and flop on some of the world’s finest beaches, the islands possess natural wonders that hold far greater value.

Let us preserve our heritage……..Genuine eco-tourism means tourism that has no negative impact on eco-systems, and positively contributes to the destination on a social and environmental level

Thousands of years of evolutionary isolation have created this treasure map of miniature worlds in the Seychelles, each with its own unique biological capital and habitats found nowhere else on the planet. When General Gordon of Khartoum visited in 1881 he returned to London claiming he had found the original site of the Garden of Eden – specifically, the Unesco World Heritage-listed Vallée de Mai on the island of Praslin, where a prehistoric palm forest shelters the legendary coco de mer.

Vallée de Mai, Praslin

A walk through the valley is a surreal experience akin to natural time travel. Here everything is supersized and the silence is sepulchral, broken only by bird calls from rare endemic species like the black parrot and the crimson-crested blue pigeon. When a breeze blows, one can hear the rasp of giant fronds high in the canopy as the 20 to 30m-high palms sway like metronomes beneath the weight – up to 40kg – of their voluptuous, double-nutted coco de mers. You half expect a dinosaur to appear out of the Rousseau-like canvas.



  • Carol Silva

    Mpedit ius, vel et hinc agam fabulas. Ut audiam invenire iracundia vim. Tn eam dimo diam ea. Piber Korem sit amet. Cconsequat tin sit, stet cibo blandit.

    October 29, 2018 at 8:33 am
    • James Fisher

      Imperdiet assueverit contentiones, an his cibo blandit tacimates. Iusto iudicabit similique idefinitionem eos an.

      October 29, 2018 at 2:28 pm

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