Uganda is a good year-round destination, but the rainy seasons (March to May and November to December) can make logistics a little tricky.

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What you need to know

Travel Information 2

Practical information for East Africa.


English to Swahili Translation

Jambo? / hujambo? (how are you?) – Sijambo (I am fine)

Habari? (how are you?) – nzuri (fine)

Goodbye – Kwaheri

Mambo – What’s up?

Safi – Clean; fine; cool

Poa – Cool

Asante – Thank you

Hapana asante – No thank you

Asante sana – Thank you very much

Pole – Sorry

Pole sana – Very Sorry

Hakuna matata – No worries

Karibu – Welcome

Karibuni – Welcome (to more than one person)

Ninafuraha kukutana nawe – Nice to meet you

Sawa – Ok

Ndiyo – Yes

Hapana – No

Maji ya matunda – Fruit juice

Bia – Beer

Bia baridi – Cold beer

Chai – Tea

Kahawa – Coffee

Kuku – Chicken

Nyama – Meat

Maji ya kunywa – Drinking water

Sili nyama – I am vegetarian

Ni tamu sana – It is delicious

Furaha ya siku ya kuzaliwa – Happy birthday

Krismasi njema – Merry Christmas

Heri ya mwaka mpya – Happy new year

Join us for an unforgettable trip of a life time on a Safari to East Africa!

Luxury Sustainable Holidays at Midrange Price



Visas to the East African countries are required by citizens of most countries, except those of East Africa. It is advisable to check with your Travel Agent or the countries Embassy/Consular office.

Visitors are advised to register their application well in advance of travel as approvals may take up to seven days to process.

Uganda –

Rwanda –

Kenya –

Tanzania –

Travelers still have the option to buy their visa on arrival at the respective airports. For application at the airport or border crossing US dollars cash is required.



You are strongly advised to take out travel and medical insurance in your country of origin. However, we can arrange medical and personal insurance if required.



Yellow Fever vaccinations may be required to enter East Africa. Malaria is endemic in many parts of East Africa and anti-malarial prophylactics are strongly recommended. It is advisable to visit your family doctor at least a month before travelling in order to update any vaccinations, obtain anti-malarial treatment, yellow fever vaccinations and any long term medication that you may require or that your doctor deems necessary.


Malaria: Transmission occurs through the bite of bloodsucking nocturnal Anopheles mosquitoes. When untreated malaria can be dangerous and often fatal in non-immune Europeans, Americans and others. The disease can also erupt weeks to months after your stay in a tropical area. If you experience fever after your stay in a tropical area, it is necessary to consult your physician and Malaria prophylaxis is therefore recommended.

However prevention is better than cure!!! For prevention of malaria various prescription drugs (eg Malarone, doxycycline, Lariam) are available in the market. The choice and personal customization as well as side effects or incompatibilities with other drugs should be discussed carefully with your physician before your travel. We also recommend that you carry body-covering clothing

HIV/AIDS: Can be acquired by heterosexual and homosexual contacts as well as use of dirty syringes or needles. The same applies to blood transfusions. Condom use is always, but especially recommended on occasion acquaintances.

Diarrheal diseases: Most diarrheal illnesses can be avoided by appropriate food and water hygiene.

Medical care: A sufficient health insurance is strongly recommended.

Poisonous Animals: In all tropical countries, dangerous venomous snakes can be found, whose bite can cause serious bodily injury including death, yet snakebites are unusual and rarely occur! The human being is not on the menu of the poisonous snake. Many snakes are nocturnal, so it is not recommended to walk around outdoors. Do not go to burrows or columns; reach under rocks or sticks, branches and similar confusing material especially at night. If you encounter snakes, a due distance should be respected. Under no circumstances should they be handled, caught or provoked. Other animals such as poisonous spiders and scorpion species, besides other animals with potentially strong toxic effects should be avoided (e.g. some brightly coloured caterpillars, centipedes, ants, etc.). These animals should not be touched or irritated.

Yellow Fever: t is essential for all those entering East Africa to produce a valid Yellow Fever Vaccination Card.  This card is also part of the Online Tourist Visa documentation submission process.



Security is usually a matter of general awareness and common sense, and the same precautions should be taken in our towns and cities as in any city worldwide. It is advisable not to wear jewelry (especially necklaces and expensive watches), do not carry large sums of money, and keep a close watch on handbags, wallets and camera equipment. When walking in town centers keep to the main thoroughfares and avoid walking at night, especially alone. Make use of hotel safe or deposit boxes and never leave valuables in hotel rooms or safari vehicles. It is a good policy to travel with photocopies of your passport, and any other important documents.



Cash, major credit cards are generally accepted in East Africa. Credit cards are not accepted in all areas of other regional countries, where you would be advised to carry cash. Only authorized dealers and banks are allowed to change currency. There is no restriction on the amount of foreign currency that can be imported. It is strongly recommended that visitors carry little cash, in most towns money can be drawn from ATM machines. In lodges and hotels foreign currency can be exchanged, but usually not against cards. It is advisable for visitors to use up or convert back any local currency before leaving, as it will be difficult to exchange once overseas. Please note it is an offence to destroy local currency or to deface the currency in any way.




The dream of a safari is usually synonymous with game viewing. The best times of day for seeing and being able to watch the wild animals are in the cool hours of the early morning and late afternoon when the wildlife is most active. The usual routine on safari will therefore be to rise early for a game drive before returning for a late breakfast, relax at your camp or lodge through the heat of the day, and then enjoy a late afternoon/evening drive to watch the wildlife and scenery until dusk. Driving around after dark is not permitted in the National Parks and Reserves, but night game drives, when you have a chance to see some of the nocturnal animals, can be arranged in some of the private Conservancies.



As a general guide, comfortable, casual wash and wear clothes are recommended. Please note that muted colors are recommended for game-viewing. Game-drives are conducted in the early morning and late afternoon, which can be very cold, especially in winter.

Safari wear should be comfortable and casual. Evenings and early mornings can be chilly so warm sweaters/ fleeces are recommended. Low heeled comfortable shoes are best, and suitable walking shoes should you intend joining any walking safaris. A hat, sunglasses, flashlight and binoculars are useful accessories. Most hotels, lodges and camps have swimming pools so you are advised to bring swimsuits. Some specialist safaris, such as mountain climbing and gorilla trekking, require extra items of clothing and footwear – details will be provided on booking. Sunscreen and insect repellent are recommended. Please remember that parts of the coast are predominately Muslim areas, where the communities derive from an ancient and sensitive culture. Always dress in a respectful way when visiting towns and villages – and never sunbathe topless on the beach. Laundry is possible on some safaris but not all. Although many places offer `same day’ service, in practice this is not always reliable. We recommend you `save’ your laundry until in a city or at the coast.


Clothing for mountain climbing:

Sweat-wicking T-shirts / vests – Fleece.

Insulated down jacket or similar

Down mittens or similar

Thermal long-johns for summit night

Calf gaiters


Wide brimmed sun hat to protect face, ears and neck


Recommended safari clothing:

Very good quality hiking socks and thin liner socks. (We advise that socks should be at least a size too small otherwise they stretch and bunch causing blisters)

Breathable lightweight waterproofs

Jacket and trousers, (for active safaris that incorporate trekking),

Waterproof walking boots, sturdy and worn-in, (if your safari incorporates active elements

– otherwise comfortable leather shoes will suffice)



The spectacular and varied scenery, the wealth of wildlife and diverse lifestyles and cultures throughout East Africa offers tremendous opportunity for photography to both amateurs and professionals alike. We recommend that you bring your equipment, chargers, extra memory cards and batteries and any film with you. A telephoto lens is essential for good game and bird pictures. Most lodges and hotels have facilities for recharging batteries for video and digital cameras. Some specialized photographic safaris and courses are available. Please respect the local people and only photograph them with their permission. Please be strongly advised never to attempt to take photos of border posts, airports, persons in uniform and military installations where photography is strictly prohibited.


Checklist – what to bring on your East African Tour:



  • Toothbrush, toothpaste & deodorant
  • Kleenex tissues in plastic travel pouches or toilet paper
  • Hairbrush / comb
  • Sanitary products
  • Lip salve with UV protection
  • Vaseline, to prevent chafing skin and heel friction blisters


Sun cream: Note: some argue that most sun creams are carcinogenic and either organic sun barriers or loose fitting clothes that cover the skin are regarded by many as preferable.



Long trousers and shirts, trekking shoes, raingear (for gorilla and chimpanzee trekking), camera, hut, insect repellent, sun glasses, open shoes, flash light, electricity adaptor, binoculars, comfortable soaks, and your travel documents.




– Passport (with additional 6 months’ validity after proposed trip return date)


– East African Visa or any other applicable visa depending on your tour


– Air Travel Documents

– Credit Cards (recommended for eventualities only & obtaining extra cash from ATMs)


– Travel Insurance Documents


– Vaccination Certificates (where applicable) – Traveller’s Cheques are not recommend as they are subject to extremely poor conversion rates.

The most practical items to pack for safari are:

  • Khaki, green, beige and neutral colours (dark blue and black clothing should be avoided, as it attracts Tsetse flies)
  • Shirts with long sleeves (even in summer, as protection from the sun, mosquitoes and Tsetse flies)
  • T-shirts
  • Shorts
  • Jeans or safari trousers for evenings and cooler days
  • A jacket and sweater are recommended for early morning and evening game drives
  • Lightweight water-proof jacket
  • Sturdy trousers
  • Rain hat
  • Swim and beachwear while at camp
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Strong waterproof walking boots (comfortable for going upsteep hills). Pants should be tucked into socks and boots while trekking.
  • Sun block, sunglasses, hat, moisturizer and lip-salve are all essentials
  • Strong insect repellent
  • Binoculars and camera equipment
  • Small backpack to carry water and a packed lunch



Other stuff

– Camera and film or Digital Camera and spare memory cards & batteries & charger


– Sunglasses with UV-filter lenses


– High energy snacks (Cereal bars, dried fruit and nuts)


– Spare Contact Lenses and fluid, if worn – Watch


– Head torch with spare batteries


– Water bottles & Camelbak (3 litres carrying capacity if climbing)


– Ear Plugs (in the event of attempting to sleep near barking dogs)


– Plastic bags (for dirty washing, used wrappers, etc.) Plastic bags are prohibited in Rwanda


– Telescopic walking poles (optional – and for use on active safaris & climbs only)


– Mobile phone. There is signal reception in much of the national parks and safari areas. Note: It is a very good idea to unlock your phone before you come out so that a local SIM card can be used. This will make calls home very inexpensive.


Personal Small First Aid Kit

– Pain Killers (Ibuprofen)


– Diamox (Acetazolamide) if you are mountain climbing – Paracetamol


– Zinc oxide tape and small scissors.


– Compeed Blister Pads


– Immodium / Loperamide anti-diarrhoea tablets


– Any medication you normally use


Gorillas & chimpanzees:

Both gorilla and chimpanzee trekking require fairly good physical condition and strength. The minimum age for the trekking is 15 years and the participants must be free of any infectious diseases. The probability to see these animals are extremely high in both countries because you are led by a trained ranger guide who careful follow the animal tracks following them from where they rest the previous day, their nests, droppings through the dense rainy forests.

It is important to note that Gorilla and chimpanzee permits should be booked in advance especially during the peak seasons of June – September both in Uganda and Rwanda.

Safaris in East Africa are a fascinating experience; we can help you design a customized safari through East Africa.

Meet Ethnic diversity of East Africa, an insight into the win African every day. Enjoy our exciting travel style with a competent guide. Indeed there is no place like East Africa! Naturreisen is perfect for your African discovery – offering you the whole of Africa in East Africa.


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